Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Singing in the Car

My train of thought from yesterday gave me an idea, so I thought I'd continue with the theme and just say a little thanks to someone who remided me how much fun it is to sing while I'm driving down the road without a care for who might be watching me (or hearing me) and laughing. Turns out, he wasn't a good person for me AT ALL, and probably isn't really a "good match" for anyone, simply because he can't truly accept his own worth and looks to other people to give him acceptance...When he fails in his efforts to convince a woman to treat him like a god, he devalues her as much as he devalues himself. He taught me some important lessons, though, aside from singing in the car, and for the things I learned, I am also grateful. Grateful because I now understand more about myself and I am able to better discern what another person's motivation is in certain circumstances, and this, I believe, has saved me from a lot of heart-break. I hope you find the "you" underneath all the boasting and bragging, and really start to believe you are good enough, without someone else telling you so. I still think about you when I sing this song in the car, and it still makes me smile. Thanks for the lessons.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Real Profile, Fake Picture

Ok, so maybe I have too much time on my hands lately...I just had this idea today that it would be funny to match up random pictures of creepy guys with the dating profiles of pretty average normal guys.  The result?  Well, I think a creepy picture can creepy up anyone's dating profile quite a bit.  What do you think?

About him & Who he's looking for

What I long for is the company, the touch, the smell and the feel of a woman. A woman who wants to be with me, hold me and love me. I know your out there somewhere.  I want to hear you breath when I awake in the middle of the night. I want to hear you call me "Honey". To want to watch you watch me look at you and know we both know. To kiss and make love the way lovers do...spontanous, passionate, intimate.
Take my hand and lets take this walk together, one day at a time. Knowing that our brightest days are right out in front of us. Are you willing to take that walk with me?
Now tell me about you "Honey"...I want to listen, I want to love, I want to live!



Thursday, June 2, 2011

Misheard Lyrics...

I'm pretty good with song lyrics...really, I am.  But for years, I really did think that in the song Brown Eyed Girl, they were saying "Going down on the old man with a transistor radio."  Obviously, I never conjured a mental picture of what I thought I was hearing, otherwise I would have figured out sooner that I was wrong about that line. 
I found out my error one day at work while killing time on a website called kissthisguy.com.  If you've never perused this website for a few chuckles, I'd encourage you to do so. 

And since I was brave enough to admit what I *thought* I was hearing in Brown Eyed Girl, maybe you can share some of your misheard lyrics too... Either way, this is some pretty darn funny stuff that's sure to make you giggle a little!  Look up your favorite song and see what kind of results you get!

Give this one a look too:

Misheard lyrics from Marcy Playground's 90's hit, Sex and Candy

Marcy Playground's Funniest Misheard Lyrics