Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Skittles on Ambien, Taste The Rainbow...and do some editing when you wake up.

This morning at 4:00 am, I woke to the sound of rain in my tin roof. I covered myself up tight in my comforter, pulled a pillow over my head and said " thanks Almighty one" for the rain so sweetly falling, bouncing across my tin roof like a joyous choir announcing that God is alive and well, should anyone be wondering. When I finally crawled from the comfort of my sheets and looked across the yard, I realized, it hadn't been raindrops at all, lulling to me to sleep, it had been the rainbow disintegrating over our heads.

The littlest of our pack were on ladders before breakfast, gloves on their hands as they were not about to cut themselves on the sharp edges of the gutters. Grandmas rocked in their rocking chairs as the husbands hurried off to work as usual. Mayhaps, a rainbow did fall apart in the right on the roofs of Long View Hills North Carolina, but the last thing any decent man would want to do about it, was let the rest of the world know. They might have picked up a few skittles and quietly tucked them into a shirt pocket for later, but in their minds that event was never to be spoken of again. So, if someone from out of town offers you a skittles after lunch, beware. They might not have been made by human hands. No one knows where the rainbow really comes from.  Maybe the pieces were made by little imps who observe you every day and have decided you need more color, more flavor, more tooth decay in your world!

Don't feel bad if the rainbow missed your part of town, it is on a mission to set all candy-loving kind free. It will sacrifice company secrets, It will out the CEO. It will campaign and campaign until one day skittle filled rain will wash over our world, rendering traffic impossible.  The world will be complete chaos and there will be only one solution. Every man, woman and girl must do her part. We must stand united  with our mouths open like baby birds to taste the rainbow as it falls apart right onto our world. We must come together in belief and with courage to fight away the pestilence of dentists, doctors, nutritionists and health coaches who try to deny us our most basic right of consuming as much colorful sugar as we want. We must rebuild that bubble of gastronomic Hope on which our rainbow needs to stand.
Don't just run inside and shut your door.  Our tasty rainbows need your support! Do your part!  Open the flue. Clean the rainbow off your roof and save the pieces for when you really need them. Make a a dream come true for one little  chewy Strawberry dot of heaven and not only will your mouth thank you, the rest if the rainbow will thank you too.

Your local dentist will even  thank you because despite his admonitions, you will have made him a millionaire. Some day everything will be ordinary again. You'll miss that silly rainbow, but you'll be glad you stuffed pieces of it into your pockets for later. 

Only the grape flavored one seems to talk too much and you're afraid he's moving in on your girl. Take the good with the bad.  After all life is supposed to be bitter-sweet at times, and if you really want to remove the competition, you can just feed Grape to your goat.  Even goats love to taste the rainbow it seems.

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